
When I was a boy, I loved to take things apart to see how they worked. Now, I love to use my creative and technical skills to put things together.

Fullstack web developer and creative

Hi, I’m Zayn, nice to meet you :)

I am a full-stack web developer with an arts background - I have had a lifelong fascination with technology and design.

My childhood was in a small Fijian village with no electricity, my teenage and adult life has been in metropolitan Australia - originally Melbourne, now Sydney.

My childhood is part of why I have been fascinated with technology my whole life - I wanted to know what all the buttons on everything did, and even now I still want to know how everything works.

When I grew up, I decided to pursue my other love, filmmaking, by “running away” to film school and studying visual effects. This experience has left me with a lifelong appreciation of visual aesthetic, storytelling, and animation which still shapes my affection for good UX.

Memoji of Zayn

Tools I’ve used

Testing PHPUnit and Jest for TDD

VCS Git, Gitlab, and GitHub

Backend PHP, Laravel, and C#

Frontend Typescript, Javascript, SASS, Vue JS, and HTML5 Canvas (Fabric JS)

Design Adobe XD, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere

Infrastructure AWS, Docker, Digital Ocean, Linode, RHEL, CentOS, and Ubuntu